Mountains for beginners are something unexplored, alluring with their picturesque views and requiring quite high physical preparation and endurance. CLIMBING BROTHERS is a team of professional climbers, with whom you will learn what mountain to choose for yourself at this stage, prepare for the hike (choice of shoes, clothing, equipment), and get the first practical training for the successful conquest of the peaks.
Which mountain to start with for future climbers
Let’s start first, what mountain should a beginner choose?
First, never go to a mountain on your own, much less for the first time. This is possible only for the mountaineers who have many years of experience in conquering peaks.
Second, even if you are in good physical shape, do not choose the difficult mountains at once. They require special training and accompaniment of professional climbers.
What mountain to choose for your first ascent is recommended by professionals:
1. Adam’s Peak (2243m) is a mountain in western Sri Lanka. An amazing feature of the peak is the temple sacred in Islam and Judaism. It bears the “mark of the Buddha.” To the temple lead 5200 steps with height differences of 1 km.
2. ai Petri (1234m) – you can climb in different ways. But for hiking tourists choose Botkin trail. Passing the caves, weather stations, waterfalls, the top of Bedene-Kyr, you will open an inexpressible view of the coast.
3. Hoverla (2061m) – the mountain is covered with stone screes, bushes and alpine meadows. This is the highest point of Ukraine, which is located on the ridge of the Chernogora. Climbers with experience warn before climbing to the top of the mountain for novice climbers – already at an altitude of 1500 meters there is a lack of oxygen.
4. Fisht is 2868m the height of the western part of the Caucasus Range. There are not only steep slopes, but also glaciers. Visually, it is a mountain range with a gap in the middle. According to legend, it was Fisht that Prometheus was chained to.
Mixed forests, absolute nature, mountain rivers wait for tourists on Varganova mountain (763m). Here you will get the basic level of knowledge about trekking and climbing. Steep slopes for climbing are on the northwest side.
Would you like to try your luck and see the world around you from higher peaks? If so we would like to organise a climb to a height of over 5000 metres. A place where it is breathtaking to see.