The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FORM PUBLICATIONS OF OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator, or official.
The race director shall be empowered to permit minor deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in his opinion do not alter the minimum acceptable requirements and make for equal competitive racing. NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM SUCH ALTERATION OF SPECIFICATIONS. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the race director. His decision is final.
The Management of Mountain Speedway.
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printer-friendly General Rules only
- All competitors shall be subject to the rules and regulations of Mountain Speedway as stated or amended.
- Drivers and owners must have a pit license; everyone else must have a season or a one-night pit pass. No one under the age of 12 is permitted into the pit area. Persons between the ages of 12 and 18 must have a signed release form with parent or guardian signature.
- Everyone entering the pit area will be considered, for all intents and purposes, a participant in the night’s racing event. Participants will be fined a sum of $250.00 and suspended for two weeks, for the following behavior:
- Abuse of any kind directed against Mountain Speedway officials. This will include, but are not limited to, verbal abuse in any form, any type of physical assault, or disregarding instructions from speedway officials.
- Abuse of any kind, or acts directed against employees of Mountain Speedway, patrons, or other participants in that night’s event. Fines imposed for any form of assault upon another individual in the pit area, after being collected from the person at fault, will be split between the speedway and the victim. Anyone entering the pit area of another participant will be automatically considered at fault in such situations. If retaliatory action takes place both parties will be considered at fault and fined. In all cases, the parties at fault will be subject to arrest and prosecution by local law enforcement officials.
- Entering restricted areas of the racetrack. These areas include, but are not limited to, the entrance to the racing surface in turn two and exit area in turn one, both towers during a racing event, the flag stand, the tech area, and the entire racing surface.
- Distraction or verbal abuse of corner flag men, safety workers, or tow truck drivers during a racing event.
- Operating any race car at an unsafe speed in the pit area. All cars in pit area must be driven at 15 mph or less at all times. Absolutely no burn outs or temper tantrums. No excuses will be tolerated at any time for this type of behavior.
Along with imposing fines for the aforementioned behavior, the race director may revoke the pit privileges of such individuals at any time. Any competitor who has his or her license revoked will also forfeit any rented pit pads. Money for pit pads will only be returned in a pro-rated amount if pit pads are resold by track management to another competitor. Any of the above actions will also result in immediate disqualification of the car or cars involved by the race director. Any car disqualified will be considered absent from the event for handicapping purposes. All fines must be paid in full before pit privileges are re-instated.
- Any party who willfully or maliciously uses a race car on the track or in the pit area to injure, destroy or damage another person or personal property will be disqualified, suspended, and/or fined and may be subject to arrest.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited anywhere on the Mountain Speedway grounds until minimum 15 minutes after the last event.Obviously, the use or possession of any illegal controlled substances is also prohibited. Violators are subject to disqualification, suspension, and/or fine. Driver is responsible for all persons with the racecar. Drivers may be subject to drug or sobriety testing if deemed necessary by racetrack officials. The threshold for driving under the influence of intoxicants will be set forth by the DUI laws of Pennsylvania. Any visibly intoxicated individual will not be allowed to compete and will be removed from the pit area.
- All cars are subject to technical inspection as deemed suitable by the race director.The race director’s decision is final regarding the safety and legality of all racecars.
- No equipment shall be considered approved simply because it passed through inspection unobserved.
8. All weights, percentages and measurements are after race with driver in car. Mountain Speedway scales, gauges, and other measuring devices will be considered the absolute last word in all disputes.
9. Any time you are disqualified you will receive no points or money unless otherwise specified
10. 20 cars will start in all point races.
11. The dumping of any fluids or tires will result in fines and suspension.
12. If one driver brings more than one car he will pay an additional entrance fee as if there was no pit license or pass.
13. A driver can borrow a car if his own car is present and had been disabled. Car must be legal in said class. - The use of any traction control devices, electronic or mechanical, is not permitted at Mountain Speedway. Ignition boxes or other associated parts may be confiscated from any racecar at any time by race officials and may be impounded for inspection. These parts will be seized if found to be in violation. Violators will lose all accumulated points, any money from that event, and will be subject to a fine of not less than five hundred dollars along with a suspension of not less than four weeks. This rule will also apply to any production systems, which may exist in stock form in the thriller or enduro divisions. These systems must be completely removed from all such cars.
- The use of any tire softening agents or other performance enhancing tire treatments is strictly forbidden. Tires are subject to testing before, during, or after an event and any evidence of such use will result in disqualification along with the loss of points for the entire event. Fines and suspension will also be imposed. In all cases, sample tires from the tire truck will be used as a standard and those tires showing distinct evidence of chemical treatments will be considered illegal and sufficient reason for disqualification. Racetrack officials for further testing may impound suspicious tires.
- All racecars must be easily identified with a number on each door, the roof, and the upper right hand corner of the windshield (except Modifieds). Similarly painted cars such as team cars must be numbered differently for identification purposes. In this situation, the same number with a different letter is not acceptable. No two racecars in any division will have the same car number/letter combination.
- Drivers are solely responsible for reporting driver changes. If a driver change is not reported to the officials before the event is staged, the car or cars involved will not be allowed to start the event. All driver changes are governed by procedural rule #10. If non-reported driver change is discovered during or after an event the car or cars in question will immediately be disqualified and the driver, or drivers involved will be subject to a fine not less than two hundred fifty dollars and a two-event suspension.
- PROTESTS: Visual protests by competitors may be brought to the attention of the race director and do not require a protest fee. Visual protests must be made prior to the start of the event and be in writing, signed by driver/owner, and submitted to proper officials. All other protests must be filed within five (5) minutes of the completion (checkered flag) of the event in which the car to be protested has competed. Only drivers and car owners entered in the same event as the car protested may lodge a protest. Protest will be in writing and specify item to be protested, signed by legal person submitting protest, accompanied by correct amount in cash. Inspection fee of cash only will be charged to competitors who protest another competitor’s engine. All protested cars will be inspected in the tech area following all regular racing events and scheduled track activities. Protested cars must remain in tech area from time of protest until completion of protest inspection. Only person submitting protest may inspect item or items under protest along with track officials. Any competitor refusing inspection will be automatically disqualified. Protested competitor will be responsible for removal of protested items for inspection. All items under protest that are unable to be removed for proper inspection will be considered to be illegal. All illegal parts may be confiscated by track officials.
- Cubic inch or compression test = $100
- Removal of clutch or torque converter = $150
- Removal of rear end cover or center section for inspection = $100
- Removal of suspension or steering item for inspection = $100
- Removal of intake manifold for inspection and/or inspection of camshaft and lifters = $150
- Removal of intake manifold and one cylinder head including disassembly of cylinder head for inspection of all associated parts including camshaft = $250
- Complete engine teardown ( intake manifold, one cylinder head, oil pan, connecting rod and piston, valve lifters, camshaft, and inspection of all associated parts ) = $500
If after inspection, the item or items in question are found illegal, all money will be returned and the competitor with the illegal item or items will be disqualified. If protested item or items are found to be legal, the protested competitor will receive the protest money.
- In case of a low car count in any certain division, the purse may be adjusted accordingly.
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(printer-friendly Procedural Rules)
1. All cars must be signed in at the pit entrance to be placed in heat races. All cars will be assigned starting positions according to handicap. Any car arriving less than thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled starting time will automatically start at the rear of the heat regardless of handicap.
- Any car unable to make its assigned heat will be placed directly into the consolation race.
- All cars participating in an event will assemble in the staging area during the preceding event and enter the track at the signal of the race director. All cars will stop in their starting positions at the start-finish line. At the starter’s signal, the field will begin its pace lap. The turn two pit gate attendant will regulate entry to the track after the start of the pace lap.You must come to a complete stop at the turn two entrance and wait for the flagman’s instructions. Failure to obey will result in disqualification.
There will be NO COURTESY LAPS for pitting or flat tires. With this and the interest of safety you will be allowed to enter the track after the field has taken the green flag and fall in the back of the pack as they pass the turn two-pit gate. You will not be considered a lap down. The turn two flagman will determine if your car is able to enter and when it is too late to enter. This is the only time you may enter track under green flag conditions.
- Turn two is the ONLY entrance to the racetrack. ANY CAR DISOBEYING THE TURN TWO PIT GATE ATTENDANT’S STOP SIGNAL OR ENTERING THE TRACK FROM TURN ONE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFIED.5.There will be no driving the wrong way on the racing surface unless instructed to do so by an official. Driving the wrong way on the speedway will result in immediate disqualification. (this includes victory lane celebration laps)
- All starts will be signaled by the starter. Prior to a start the pace car will leave the raceway on the backstretch and the yellow raceway traffic lights will go out. Be ready to go racing! All original starts will be controlled by the driver of the pole car, who may accelerate only after passing the white line in turn four. If the outside pole man goes before the pole man, the green will be displayed, but the yellow will come out by the backstretch. (NOTE: When a yellow is displayed immediately after a start, maintain a reasonable tempo until cars can be safely brought under control. Resist the temptation to drastically reduce your speed–remember there are people racing behind you!) The outside pole driver jumping the start will be warned the first time and sent to the rear for the second offense.
ORIGINAL STARTS: All original starts will be double file. The field will receive the green flag at the white line in turn four. Do not start to pass until you pass the start/finish line. If you break from line, you will be set back two spots for each car you pass.
RESTARTS: Restart lineups will revert to the last completed lap. Restarts will be double file for initial start. All subsequent restarts may be single file. Single file restarts will require cars to be NOSE-TO-TAIL, in line. On all restarts racing begins at the drop of the green. Any car obtaining an advantage on a single-file restart by being out of line may be disqualified or sent to the rear of the field. Restart penalties will be assessed on the next restart lineup. If the race ends without another yellow, the penalties will be assessed on the final order of finish.
- A race may be stopped at the discretion of the race director or starter if they consider it dangerous or unsafe to continue.
- The feature race shall run the full distance, if possible to run. The race director and starter may shorten any race if it becomes impossible to run or if in the best interest of the program it should not be continued. Feature races must complete at least half the distance to be official.Time limits can be enforced at any time by the race director and will equal 1 and 1/2 minutes per lap per event. EX; 20 lap race = 30 minute time limit.
- If a race meet is halted due to rain or other adverse conditions, prize money for all events run will be paid. If all heats for a division have been run AND the promoters do NOT issue rain check, feature(s) will be run as a part of a subsequent event. If rain checks are issued only events run will be paid.
- Once an event has received a green flag, no other cars may join the field or be substituted (with the exception of proc. Rule # 3).No driver changes permitted after an event has received a green flag. Driver changes between events are permitted, but will result in the following: a) second car driven will start last in the next event, and b) first car driven will be scratched and must be re-qualified for the feature. In all cases-drivers, not cars, will be handicapped using a 3-week point average with maximum points awarded for races missed.
- When a race is halted for any reason, drivers must remain in their cars in order to restart the event as quickly as possible, Any driver leaving or working on a car on the racetrack will be sent to the rear. Any crewmembers leaving the pit area and entering the racing surface during an event will cause that car’s immediate disqualification from the event.
- Any car entering the pits during an event must use the turn one gate only and if it returns to the field will restart at the rear. Enter pits only under yellow. Re-entry to the track must be done through the turn two entrance. Any car being black-flagged for the second time with the same problem will be removed from the event.
The second turn pit gate attendant may refuse entry/re-entry to the track to any car visibly unfit to compete, i.e. leaking fluids, loose body panels, etc. The attendant shall notify the driver of the problem and assist his safe return to the pit area.
Once the track is under green, the second turn gate will close and no car may re-enter the raceway until a yellow flag is thrown (with the exception of Procedure Rule #3).
Any car two or more laps behind the leader in heat races (four or more laps in features) will not be permitted to rejoin the field. Lapped cars two or more laps behind the leader who impede or interfere with cars racing on the lead lap may be black flagged and removed from the event at the discretion of the starter.
Lap cars will move to the inside lane and stay out of the way of passing cars. If a lap car fails to listen to move over flag or gets passed on the inside, they will be black flagged out of race. They will receive last place points and money for the amount of cars that were on the track at the time of the black flag. If a lap car causes an accident, they will be disqualified and receive no points or money.
- No laps will be given for competitors returning to the pits for tire changes or repairs.
- Any driver who causes a yellow three times(or 2 times by himself)in an event will be removed from the event (any driver who intentionally causes a yellow may be disqualified) at the discretion of the starter or race director.
- Any car that is leaking anti-freeze (not permitted in any racecar) on the racetrack will be disqualified for the night (no point-no money) and the owner fined $35.00.
- TOP FIVE Feature event finishers (other amounts and events as directed by track officials) must report directly to the scale after exiting the track.Failure to do so will result in disqualification. All weights will be checked with driver in the car. Any parts of the racecar initially on the car at the start of the event and lost during competition may be added at the scale if they can be retrieved by track staff.
- Any competitor holding up the show for any reason will be immediately disqualified. Any car stopping on the racetrack at any time for any reason will be sent to the rear. If this occurs a second time the car will be removed from the event. Decisions on track position will be final and are determined solely be the transponder system. Drivers are not allowed to discuss or debate positioning or any other calls with racetrack flag men or other officials while an event is in progress.
- All cars making contact in an accident will be placed in rear. Any other cars not in the same call at another section of the track or spinning to avoid without contact will resume the race in the prior position. The race director will determine this call.
- ROUGH RIDING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. You will receive ONE warning. After that you will be sent to the rear or black-flagged. Any car black-flagged for rough riding will receive no points for that event. If it is a feature – no points, no money and will receive maximum handicap points for that event. Hitting after the yellow/checkered included. The fine will go to the victim of the offense to pay for damages incurred. A board of officials will determine the penalty invoked. Any intentional hitting anywhere or anytime will result in a fine of no less than five hundred dollars and up to a calendar year suspension. Violators will face prosecution on applicable charges. Defective equipment (i.e. faulty brakes, stuck throttle, etc.) will be the responsibility of the driver and under no circumstance will be accepted as an excuse for the incident.
GREEN FLAG: The track is clear for racing–the event has officially started (or restarted). If held in a rolled position, you will be going green the next time around.
YELLOW FLAG: The most important flag, simply means SLOW DOWN, stay in line, no passing, and keep your eyes open for an accident, stalled car, debris, or anything else dangerous to you, fellow competitors, or spectators. You must get into single file for safety and line up purposes until told by officials to double up if so needed. Anyone not abiding by this rule will be sent to the back for the next re-start.
There are corner men, traffic lights, plus the starter who will be showing a yellow flag or light to warn you of impending danger. Anyone racing under the yellow will receive the following penalty:
1ST TIME: Verbal warning by the starter.
2ND TIME: Disqualified from the event and the rest of the night.
3RD TIME: Disqualified from the event, the rest of the night, and a week suspension and possible fine from raceway management.
RED FLAG: Simply means stop as quickly and safely as possible, there has been a bad crash and possible driver injury. All corner men have red flags and there are three traffic lights to warn you of a red flag condition. CARS ENTERING THE PITS UNDER RED FLAG CONDITIONS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE EVENT. Under the red flag the only movement permitted will be at the direction of track officials. Move only to the extent of their direction as safety vehicles may be operating on the raceway. When the emergency situation is cleared, cars will be signaled to move by yellow flag or yellow traffic lights. At this time, proceed with caution to the start/finish line for realignment or to the pits for repairs. Failure to stop within a reasonable distance or movement under the red will result in the following penalties:
1ST TIME: Verbal warning by track official (those entering the pits will be disqualified from the event).
2ND TIME: Disqualified from the event and the rest of the night.
3RD TIME: Disqualified from the event, the rest of the night, and a week suspension and possible fine from raceway management.
PASSING FLAG: (blue with yellow diagonal stripe) This is a passing or move over flag, given to slower or lapped cars. It means move to the INSIDE of the track, keep out of the racing groove, and maintain your speed. Failing to obey this flag will result in the following penalties:
1ST TIME: Verbal warning by starter (NOTE: Since it is impossible for the starter to give you a verbal warning while the race is going on, if you are totally disobeying the passing flag, you will be black flagged at his discretion–see black flag).
2ND TIME: Black flagged, disqualified from the event.
3RD TIME: Disqualified from the event, the rest of the night, and a week suspension and possible fine from raceway management.
BLACK FLAG: You have been disqualified from the event for a rule infraction, or a safety hazard exists (smoking, leaking, mechanical problem, etc.) with your racecar. PULL INTO THE INFIELD IMMEDIATELY. You will receive the black flag two (2) times along with the chalkboard with your car number on it. If you do not pull off after two laps, you will no longer be scored or a yellow may be brought out to remove you from the event. If a yellow is required, you are disqualified for the night, for a first offense.
2ND TIME: Disqualified for the night and a week suspension and possible fine from raceway management.
3RD TIME: Same as above with a two-week suspension.
WHITE FLAG: One lap to go in the event.
CHECKERED FLAG: Finish of event. At the completion of an event, maintain reasonable speed into the first turn. Remember, there are people racing behind you.
Starters flag signals to signify end of event are official.
Mountain Speedway may make Additions/changes to these rules as deemed necessary.
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printer-friendly Safety/Transponder Mounting/Scanner Rules only
- All cars will be safety inspected prior to being allowed onto the track by the Tech inspector or a qualified official. You must have an inspection sticker on your car at all times.
- All cars will have a suitable 2lb fire extinguisher, gauge type within the driver’s reach with a quick release or a fire system.
- All cars will have a fuel shut-off valve within reach of both sides of the car clearly marked “FUEL – ON/OFF” highlighted in orange.
- All cars will have a battery shut off switch within reach of both sides of car, clearly marked “POWER – ON/OFF” highlighted in orange or any bright color.
- All cars will have 2 drive shaft safety loops in both the front and the rear.
- All weights added to cars will be within the wheelbase, welded or bolted using 3/8” grade 8 bolts, washers, and lock nuts. Added weight must be painted white with the car number.
- No electronic fuel pumps or glass fuel bowls.
- Tow hooks on the end of each frame rail are mandatory. If your car has a robber nose or tail two cables each must be accessible through slots in the bumper both front and back. If your car does not comply with this rule, the track crew may push to the infield so as to not hold up the show.
- 9. All closed-fender divisions must have at least a 1990 Snell approved helmet or newer. Open wheel divisions must be 1995 or newer. A full-face shield or goggles are mandatory. Full-face helmets are recommended.
All divisions must have a SFI approved fire retardant suit in good condition (no holes, rips, or patches). Head sock, gloves, underwear, shoes, horse-collars are highly recommended.
- Nomex gloves will be worn anytime the car is on the speedway.
- No sharp edges of any kind on any car.
- Any fuel line or wire going through panels will be sufficiently grommeted. If fuel lines or wires come within 2” of any exhaust piping it must be shielded.
- Approved fuel cells only. A minimum of 1 ˝” bar shall be positioned behind all fuel cells in a manner to ward off punctures in case of accident.
- Tip over valve on all fuel cells is mandatory on all cars.
- All cars must have an approved aluminum, racing seat with a built-in headrest.
- All safety belts will be securely fastened to the frame or cage with a minimum 3/8” grade 8 bolt. Shoulder belts shall come over a bar at shoulder height. All belts will share one common lever-type release. All safety belts will be no older the 5 years (3 years old for Modifieds). Belts with no date or are in questionable condition will not be allowed.
- All cars will have an approved driver-side window net that is 18” by 24” secured to the roll-cage that drops down when released.
- Any item covered and not covered in the above rules considered falling under the rules of safety may or may not be given a grace period to repair in order to race that given day. This will be entirely up to the Tech inspector.
- Use of an SFI approved Head And Neck restraint System highly recommended.
Some of the items in this section are defined in more detail in your divisional rules.
NOTE: Please make certain you read and understand all safety rules. Any questions please ask.
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- The scanner system will make the driver aware of track flags, line-ups, and hazards through one-way communication between the track Race Director, the Transponder Operator, and the driver in the hopes of speeding up the show by providing correct driver information.
- Scanners are mandatory in all classes with the exception of the Modifieds. No radio communication will be allowed. Modifieds may use driver/crew two-way communication. If you are caught using two-way communication in any other class, the first offense will result in loss of points/money for that day and disqualification.
- One or two-piece earplug is allowed.
- Antennas will be allowed on the rear roof panels, although not necessary.
- If your radio fails to operate, rentals will be available at the track office at a cost of $10.00 per day (a deposit is required) and earplugs will only be for sale for health reasons.
- Different verbal tests will be given and spot checks throughout the season at any given time to ensure your scanner is working properly. If you fail, you will be sent to the pits to check your scanner and lose your track position.
- Any time you are in your car with your helmet on you must have the scanner on.
- Your car number must appear on the scanner.
- Scanner operator will follow format only.
- Please familiarize yourself with normal calls.
- All flag calls (yellow, red, checkered, etc.)
- ˝ way, five to go, one to go
- Move over lap car #X
- #X car pull to infield
- #X car pull to pits/black flag
- Anyone not obeying the track scanner operators’ commands will be black-flagged from the race.
Transponder Mounting Rules
- Transponder location will be no less than 12″ from centerline of rear end on the inside right rear of frame rail (except for FWD, legends and TQs).
printer-friendly Modified Rules only
2008 Mountain Speedway Tour Type Modified Rules
Construction and component selection of all cars in this division must follow guidelines set forth in either the NASCAR WHELEN MODIFIED Rulebook or the RACE OF CHAMPIONS MODIFIED Rulebook. The following rules must be followed regardless of inclusion or exclusion from either rulebook.
- All cars must maintain a 2 inch ground clearance at all times. This includes all sheet metal.
- All cars are to be a maximum of 83 ˝ inches in width measured from outer bead to outer bead of wheels, at hub height.
- All cars with steel head engines in un-ported form will weigh a minimum of 2525 lbs. and have a maximum of 56% left side weight.
- All cars with steel head engines in ported form will weigh a minimum of 2575 lbs. and have a maximum of 56% left side weight.
- All cars with Aluminum head 23 degree engines will weigh a minimum of 2575 lbs. and have a maximum of 56% left side weight.
- All cars with Aluminum head engines (other than 23 degree) will weigh a minimum of 2600 lbs. and have a maximum of 55% left side weight.
- Specific rules pertaining to steel head or aluminum head engines will supercede engine rules in either the NASCAR WHELEN MODIFIED or RACE OF CHAMPIONS MODIFIED Rulebooks.
- No carbon fiber or titanium chassis, drivetrain, or engine components other than those specifically allowed in engine section.
- All electrical wiring including, but not limited to, ignition system wiring must be mounted to the right side of the driver. All wiring must be accessible to tech officials for inspection. All wiring must be in plain view. No wiring in drivers door area.
- Positive wire from ignition box to distributor or crank trigger must be an unspliced, continuous wire with no insulation breaks, plugs, or any other introduction point for traction control devices.
- Ignition system must not contain any open wire or terminals. Unused ignition amplifier box wires must be cut flush to the box. Unused rev limiting chip sockets must be permanently sealed shut.
- No adjustable timing controls or ignition delay devices.
- No programmable or digital ignition boxes. Analog ignition boxes only.
- Engine block must match manufacturer of engine.
- No aftermarket blocks.
- No aluminum blocks.
- Engine displacement may be increased by boring or stroking.
- Minimum displacement is 350 cubic inches.
- Maximum displacement is 370 cubic inches.
- Maximum compression will be 12.0 to 1 on any cylinder.
- Only magnetic steel crankshaft permitted.
- Only solid magnetic steel connecting rods will be permitted.
- Titanium and stainless steel connecting rods willnotbe permitted.
- Only aluminum pistons will be permitted.
- Any magnetic steel roller or flat tappet camshaft will be permitted.
- Only solid steel flat tappet or roller lifters will be permitted.
- Only steel or aluminum rocker arms will be permitted.
- The approved 23 degree cylinder heads are limited to the following:
Air Flow Research AFR 215
All Pro AP 227
Brodix 3941075
Chevrolet GM PN# 10051101
Pontiac GM PN# 10033867
All cars with these cylinder heads will weigh 2575 lbs. and have a maximum 56% left side weight.
- Other 23 degree cylinder heads may be approved by track management but must be submitted for inspection prior to being allowed in competition.
- The approved OEM non-23 degree cylinder heads are limited to the following:
Dodge W8 casting numbers P4532933 and P4510019
Ford casting number E3ZM6049C3
General Motors casting number 10134363
All cars with these cylinder heads will weigh 2600 lbs. and have a maximum 55% left side weight.
- Internal porting and polishing will be permitted.
- Only steel or titanium valves will be permitted.
- Engines using approved 23 degree cylinder heads will be allowed to use any cast aluminum intake manifold. No sheet metal intake manifolds.
- All other engines must use one of the following approved intakes:
Dodge P4532598, P4532598AB
Ford M-9424-A351, M-9424-X351 or Edelbrock 2961, 2991
General Motors 24502481, 24502653 or Edelbrock 2955, 2958, 2995
- Porting and polishing of the internal surfaces of the manifold is permitted.
- Added directional devices inside the manifold will not be permitted.
- No added air holes will be permitted in the manifold.
- No painting or coating of the manifold will be permitted.
- All aluminum headed engines may use a maximum 1-inch spacer plate.
- All aluminum head engines must use a Holley 4150 HP series PN# 80507 4-barrel carburetor.
- Carburetor rework guidelines may be found in the NASCAR WHELEN MODIFIED Rule book. Track management can provide a copy of these rules to any interested competitor.
- Carburetor must pass all Mountain Speedway gauge checks to be eligible for competition.
- Comp series Dart little M block PN#31131111 allowed.
- Bowtie cast iron blocks PN#10051183, 10185047, or stock block allowed.
- Bore size of 4.00 to 4.060 plus or minus .005 allowed.
- No angle cutting of block deck.
- Block must be mounted within 2 inches of the centerline of lower ball joints and be mounted securely.
- Minimum 2 inch ground clearance on oil pan.
- All bolt holes and bores must remain in OEM location.
- Standard steel magnetic production design crankshaft only.
- Stock stroke of 3.480 only. Tolerance of +.005 – .010
- Counterweights must be same shape as original OEM Mass production crankshaft used with this block.
- Mains & Rod journals may be drilled.
- Outside diameter of counter weights may be drilled.
- Solid magnetic steel only.
- Maximum length of 6 inches.
- No stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, or any other materials on or in rods.
- Flat top, dished aluminum round pistons and dome pistons permitted.
- Must have three functioning ring grooves.
- Maximum overbore of .060
- No ceramic, plastics, or any other materials on or in pistons (ALUMINUM ONLY)
- GM Bowtie casting PN#14011034, 14011058, or 12480034 only.
- Dart Platinum PN#10310010P
- Maximum valve size: intake-2.05 exhaust-1.60
- No repositioning of head on block. Stock location only.
- Valve centerline and guide angle in relationship to heads must be OEM stock.
- Porting and polishing by the removal or grinding of the original casting in runners is permitted. NO epoxy fillers, welding, spray welding, or any other coating or materials on or in heads.
- External painting is allowed.
- No air directional devices on any valve surface.
- Push rod and valve springs must be steel only-no titanium.
- Titanium valve spring retainers allowed.
- Maximum compression ratio is 12.0-1 ZERO TOLERANCE!
- Cam and bore, lifters and bores-must be in original location.
- Steel lifters only. Solid or Hydraulic with roller tappets or mushroom tapers only.
- Rev kits permitted.
- Roller rocker, stud girdles, and shaft rockers allowed.
- Roller cam bearings permitted.
- HEI, MSD, or Magneto allowed. MSD box must be mounted to driver’s right and in plain view.
- Distributor must mount in stock location. Rotation must be OEM stock.
- No adjustable timing controls permitted.
- No ignition parts in driver’s side(door bar) area.
- The following manifolds are approved for competition:
Brodix HV 1000
Edelbrock 2975 / 2999 / 2925 / 2926
Bowtie 2972 / 2996
Weiend Team G 7530 / 7532
Holley 300-25
GM PN#10051102 / 10093374
HVH 10003
DART PN#42411000
- Intake manifold may be ported. No welding or epoxy fillers allowed.
- No painting or coating allowed.
- Maximum intake gasket thickness is .125
- No spacers between intake and heads.
- Holley #4777 650 CFM or Holley #80541-1 HP 650 CFM only.
- No internal or external modifications allowed. Carburetor must remain stock.
- Changing power valve, accelerator pump, and jets is allowed but must be same as OEM
- Choke plate and horn may be removed. Gasket ring area must remain stock.
- Boosters must be stock size and location, but may be aligned.
- Must be one piece. Maximum thickness is 2 inches. No taper or bevel shape, spacer must conform to base of carburetor and use two paper gaskets that are no more than .065 thickness each.
- Spacer must position carburetor over original mounting position on intake manifold.
- Round dry type with a diameter between 12 and 14 inches. Height must be between 1.5 and 5 inches. Top and bottom of air cleaner housing must be round and solid with the exception of the carburetor opening.
- All air that enters engine must pass through air cleaner. No devices of any kind that will direct or channel air to or from filter allowed.
- Filter must be centered on carburetor.
- A shield up to one-half of air cleaner circumference is allowed on front of air cleaner.
- No performance enhancing additives or chemicals on or in air cleaner or element permitted.
- Dry sump systems recommended.
- No oil tanks or oil lines in drivers compartment.
- Maximum 5-stage oil pumps only. Maximum pump length is 10 inches long by 3.5 inches wide.
- No oil deflecting of individual rod or main journals.
- Oil coolers allowed. If mounted above interior sheet metal, must be no larger than 5 inches high and 10 inches wide. Outside edges of cooler must be sealed with sheet metal.
- No partition oil pan of any kind. Oil pans subject to tech approval.
- 1-inch inspection plug must be placed in bottom of oil pan for inspection.
- Approved ignition systems may be used in competition. If the crank trigger ignition system is being used, triggering devices or pick ups will not be permitted inside of the distributor housing.
- Ignition amplifier boxes and RPM limiters that are analog only which do not contain programmable, computerized, or memory circuits will be permitted.
- Magneto systems will be permitted.
- The distributor must mount in the stock location as a factory produced engine for the make and model engine being used.
- Crank trigger ignition systems will be permitted.
- Ignition system equipment or wiring may not be located in the drivers door area. All ignition system equipment must be mounted to the driver’s right-when seated.
- Adjustable timing controls will not be permitted.
- No ignition delay devices permitted.
- RPM limiting devices must be approved by track officials and be attached and wired to the ignition amplifier boxes in a visible manner.
- The alternator system, if used, must be working within specifications and mounted on the front of the engine.
- The self starter must be in working order. Gear reduction starters acceptable to Mountain speedway officials will be permitted. After a race is underway, cars may be started by hand pushing in the pit area only, but under no circumstances is any car permitted to be pushed onto the race track from pit area.
- The battery must be located between the frame rails. The battery must be located under the hood or floor of the car. If located under the floor-the battery must be completely encased. If located under the hood-must have an acceptable cover. The battery must not be forward of the radiator or behind the rear end. Battery location must be acceptable to Mountain speedway officials.
- All electrical switches must be located on the dashboard panel within easy reach of the driver. A labeled on/off master switch to the battery cable must be installed on the cowl behind the windshield opening-on the right side of the driver when seated. The swithc was be easily accessible and in plain view.
- Radiator must appear and work like OEM radiator and be centered in front of engine.
- No cooling or icing type chemicals in engine compartment.
- Mechanical water pump in stock location turning in same rotation of crank.
- Coolant must flow in same direction as production engine.
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Stock and Fab clip
printer-friendly Late Model Rules only
- Chevrolet, Ford, or Mopar V-8 engines allowed with a maximum displacement of 360 cubic inches and a maximum compression ratio of 12 to 1.
- Any steel or cast iron crankshaft allowed.
- Any steel connecting rod allowed.
- Maximum length will be six inches.
- No titanium or aluminum rods allowed.
- Flat top or dish pistons only
- No part of piston may extend past block deck surface.
- Cast iron cylinder heads only.
- Standard production heads as well as OEM performance heads will be allowed.
- The following aftermarket heads are also allowed:
- World Products # 4266 and # 4267
- Dart Iron Eagle 180 and Dart Iron Eagle 200 for Chevrolets
- World Products 5303B for Fords.
- All casting and part numbers must remain on cylinder heads.
- No porting, polishing, or acid etching.
- No altering of valve angle or location.
- Cylinder head casting may be machined Ľ” from bottom of seat angle. All machining must be concentric to valve guide center.
- Any valve size may be used.
- Any cast iron or cast aluminum OEM or aftermarket production manifold permitted.
- No porting, polishing, or acid etching.
- No epoxy, painting, or coating allowed in plenum or in runners.
- All identifying casting numbers or markings must remain on manifold.
- No sheet metal manifolds allowed.
Flat tappet cams only.
- No gear drives or belt drives.
- Flat tappet lifters only.
- Lifter bore size must be stock OEM for block uses.
- No roller, mushroom, or radiused lifters.
- Roller rockers arms allowed.
- No shaft type roller rocker arms (except Mopar engines)
- Dry sump system will be allowed on fab clip cars only
- Wet sump system must be used on stock clip cars and may be used on fab clip cars.
- Mechanically driven capacitive discharge or magneto type ignition is allowed.
- No crank trigger, cam trigger, or flywheel trigger systems permitted.
- No programmable ignition boxes allowed.
- Carburetor must be a Holley 2 barrel model # 4412.
- Any modifications allowed, but must maintain base plate bore size of 1 11/16” on stock clip cars.
- The following are the only allowed alterations on any fab clip cars:
No polishing, grinding, or drilling of holes permitted.
Choke assembly may be removed.
Choke horn must remain.
Boosters must not be changed, but may be aligned.
Size and shape of boosters must not be altered.
Booster height must remain standard.
Venturi area must not be altered in any manner
Casting ring must not be removed.
Stock throttle plates only, must not be thinned or tapered.
Idle holes may be drilled in throttle plates.
Throttle shafts must not be thinned or cut in any way.
Screw ends may be cut even with shafts, but screw heads must remain standard.
Metering blocks may be altered.
Power valve and jets may be changed.
Float may be altered.
- Any one inch solid spacer is permitted.
- Only two paper gaskets (1 per side) of a maximum thickness of .065” is permitted.
- The following crate engines are allowed:
- Chevrolet/GM: PN. 88958603 and PN. 88958604.
- Ford: PN. M-6007-D347
- Mopar: PN: P5007958
- Crate engines must not be altered in any way. Factory seals must remain intact. Crate engines must use Holley carburetor model 4150 650 cfm part number 80541-1.
- Former Mountain Speedway Pro Stock and Riverhead Charger cars are allowed to run a Holley carburetor Model 4150 650 cfm carburetor.
- Must be within 2” of centerline of ball joint to the #1 sparkplug.
- Any header system is allowed.
- Single disk clutch and pressure plate or small diameter multi-disk type racing clutch allowed.
- All cars must have mufflers.
- No aluminum wheels – steel only. Maximum width 10”.
- No bleeders
- Stock type manual or automatic transmissions allowed.
- Blow-proof bell housing required on manual transmissions without self-contained blow-proof clutch.
- Stock torque converter must be used.
- Safety blanket required for automatic transmissions.
- Quick change rears allowed. No titanium axles, magnetic steel only.
- Rears must be locked. Solid steel/aluminum spools only.
- Frame rails must be no less than 2” X 3” tubing .120 wall thickness.
- Any suspension allowed.
- Motor must be centered between ball joints.
- Minimum 105” wheelbase.
- Maximum 82” track width outside to outside tire at “0” toe/hub center height.
- Must have no more than 2” offset measured from center of rear to outside of tire.
- Only one weight-jacking device per wheel. Must be external.
- Stock clip must not be altered in any way except for upper control arm mounts.
- Stock clip must remain from front of steering box to firewall. Cross member may not be altered in any way except for minimum fuel pump and oil pan cut out allowances.
- Lower “A” frame must remain stock for year, make and model of clip used. Stock mounts must be used.
- Frame side rails may be fabricated, minimum .120 wall steel and 12″ maximum offset.
- Motor must be centered between ball joints.
- Minimum 105″ wheelbase.
- Maximum 82″ track width outside to outside tire at “0” toe/hub center height.
- Must have no more then 2″ offset measured from center of rear to outside of tire.
- Only one weight-jacking device per wheel. Must be external.
- All cars must be 2900 pounds, 57% left side, no rear weight percentage, after race, with driver. No allowance for fuel.
- Any aftermarket sheet metal or fiberglass body allowed.
- Body must resemble any American made car from 1990 to present.
- All tires must be within the body.
- The carburetor air cleaner must be under the hood, no ram air tubes, or ducting allowed.
- Drivers’ side and passenger side window opening must be completely open.
- Rear deck lid must be hinged.
- Hoods must remain stock appearing.
- Hood scoops are permitted, providing they are no more than 4” above hood.
- No exposed air cleaners.
- No wings or louvers are allowed on roof, hood, or rear decks.
- Rear spoilers are allowed but must not be higher than 6” for lexan, or 5” for non-lexan.
- The rear spoiler must not exceed 61” in linear measurement with no lips or air dams.
- All lexan spoilers must be clear, with no lettering or stickers of any kind.
- All cars must have a full front lexan windshield.
- Must have 3 straps in the inside of the front windshield.
- Quarter panel windows are permitted.
- Rear windows are allowed.
- Stock clip cars must have a 2” minimum ride height.
- Fab clip cars must have a 3 ˝” minimum ride height.
- All rub rails must be inside the body.
- External lexan body protectors allowed.
- All cars must have full stock appearing nose and rear rail sections.
- All cars must have 2 steel cables in front and 2 steel cables in back for towing purposes. May cut slit in bumper to tuck straps in until needed. Must be strong enough to hold weight of car.
- Stock clip cars must have a minimum roof height of 42” measured 12” back from front window opening, with driver in car.
- Fab clip cars must have a minimum roof height of 45” measured 12” back from front window opening, with driver in car.
- Rear of car must maintain a maximum of no more than 40” to the top of rear spoiler.
- Must be a minimum of 20-gauge steel.
- Racing gasoline only, will be available at racetrack
- No alcohol allowed.
- Fuel cell must be mounted between frame rails, behind rear end.
- Minimum of 1inch X 1-inch “X” brace under bottom of fuel cell mount.
- Fuel cell must be protected between rear bumper and rear of fuel cell by minimum of 1 ˝” .095 round tubing or equivalent upon approval of tech inspector.
- Approved fuel cell with an inner bladder and foam mandatory. Maximum 22 gallon. Ground clearance to bottom of fuel cell minimum 10”.
- Roll cage must be constructed of no less than 1 ˝” OD X .095 wall steel tubing.
- All main areas of the roll cage must have gussets.
- Cage must be a minimum of 3” above drivers’ head.
- No square tubing, channel or angle iron will be permitted in the construction of the roll cage.
- Roll cage must have two hoops, one at the front of the drivers’ compartment, and one behind the drivers’ compartment.
- Hoops must be connected by one bar at each side of the top, four bars on the left side, and three bars on the right side. Left door bars must be curved out into the door.
- Threaded pipe, pipe couplers, lap welded pipe, magnesium, or aluminum will not be permitted.
- Roll bars in the drivers’ area must be padded.
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printer-friendly Street Stock Rules only
- Must be 1965 to present American made cars with minimum wheelbase of 100”.
- No trucks, sport utility vehicles, station wagons, or front wheel drives.
- All bodies must utilize a full factory stock steel hood, steel roof, and steel trunk lid. All three pieces must be from the same year, make, and model vehicle. Internal support structure may be removed but all factory window channels and drip edges must remain intact on roof panels. Internal support structure only may be removed from hood and trunk lid. Perimeter edges on side of hood may not be removed. Factory front and rear roof pillars must remain stock to top of front fender and top of rear quarter panels.
- Body sides including front fenders, doors, and rear quarter panels may be fabricated using minimum 22 gauge steel but must retain original factory appearance and body liner. Body sides may not be any lower than original rocker panels. Doors must be welded or bolted shut. All sheet metal must maintain 5 inch ground clearance.
- Gutting of bodies allowed. All flammable material must be removed along with all glass, chrome, and plastic.
- All cars must have full stock front firewall, in the original location of chassis being used. Stock floor pan must be maintained to rear of driver’s seat, across entire width of interior. All holes in front and rear firewall, and floor pan, must be covered with minimum 22 gauge steel. Rear firewall MUST be steel.
- Aftermarket stock appearing rubber nose and tail pieces may be used, but must match body being used. All cars using rubber or plastic nose and/or tail piece, must have (2) steel cables in both the front and rear for towing purposes. Cables MUST be strong enough to support weight of vehicle. Slits may be cut in nose and tail piece, so cables may be tucked in, until needed.
- Cars must have complete wire screen or lexan windshield, supported inside at center by (3) vertical steel bars, minimum 1 inch by 1/8 inch, not less than 4 inches apart. No part of the front windshield opening or rear window opening may be obstructed. NO rear windshields.
- Hood scoops allowed up to 4 inch maximum height, measured at any point. Hood scoops may be aftermarket or factory items. Single hood scoop only. Opening may face forward or be located at rear of hood.
- Maximum 6 inch height, clear lexan spoilers allowed. No lettering on lexan spoilers. No side pieces allowed on lexan spoilers. May use factory OEM spoiler for body being used. Maximum 4 inch tall aluminum or steel spoilers with no side pieces are also permitted. One spoiler only allowed and must attach to rear of trunk lid.